RULES-PERFECT™ lets you set up custom product automation and Process Rules for Creo
Your Rules - Automated

RULES-PERFECT™extends the benefit of Creo automation through
an accessible and responsive web-based solution
RULES-PERFECT™ : Automate Everything in CREO, including Deliverables.
AUTOMATION will have a major impact on how business operates in the next decade. Engineering companies will gain or lose a competitive edge based on automation capabilities. Successful automation requires a system that works in Creo, as well as with Business Systems. SIGMAXIM Automation with RulesPerfect™ methodology is built specifically for Creo, integrates with all major business systems, and radically increases productivity.
Product Configuration
RULES-PERFECT™ geometric rules-based solution brings flexibility to configured and engineered to order products. Automating the process from 3D Intuitive-web based selector to sales deliverables.
Focused Process Apps
SIGMAXIM customizable Task-Specific Apps automate specific complex functions in the design/development process to save time and ensure accurate results.
- Automates your Best Practices
- Eliminates Non-Value-Added Engineering Work
- Enables Data Re-Use
- Integrates with other Business Systems
- Extends to Engineer-to-Order Products
SIGMAXIM integrates your company's BEST PRACTICES into Creo. As designers work, best practices are automatically implemented into the design (if there is conflict the user is notified). This ensures that all the designers follow Company Design Rules and Best Practices, or that the user is aware that there is an exception to the rules.
It’s your rules, your process - Automated
Engineering Initiatives vary in approaches and names: KBE, Modular Design, DFMA, Options and Variants. These initiatives fit into the enterprise’s vision for the future. AUTOMATING STANDARDS is the way engineering content can be communicated as a basis for any engineering initiative. This promotes re-use, prevents reinvention, and facilitates collaboration across division and plants.
All initiatives start with Process Standardization
WEBINAR: Sheet Metal Innovation Toolbox
18 June 2024WEBINAR: SHEET METAL INNOVATIVE TOOLBOX:Boost Efficiency with Creo AutomationSESSIONS:Wednesday, October 23 − 10 AM EST Wednesday, October 23 − 2 PM EST As industries increasingly rely on Sheet Metal for a wide range of applications—from intricate components to durable enclosures—the demand for efficient and innovative design solutions continues to grow. However, with this growth comes a un... -
Results-Driven Automation
13 May 2024Automation creates a single source of truth in your design process. Consistency, created by automation, helps ensure small errors don't exponentially grow through the product lifecycle. Automation eliminates tedious or non-value engineering work and allows engineers to focus on innovations and development. -
WEBINAR: Virtual Master Model
26 February 2024WEBINAR: Virtual Master ModelWednesday, March 6th − 9-10am EST and 2-3pm EST Challenged by the complexity of managing large overloaded models? Baffled in devising an approach to build variants for a product with excessive variability? Fed-up with unwieldy overloaded assemblies? Learn innovative solutions with ...
"We don’t change the way you do things - We automate the things you do"